La Medicina del Futuro
Chips CieAura,ayuda a equilibrar las energías y fortalecer el sistema inmunológico de su cuerpo,

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    CieAura no recomienda el usar los parches para ninguna enfermedad o lesión medica, ya que nuestros productos no diagnostican, previenen, curan, o sanan ninguna lesión o condición grave. Si usted tiene alguna condición grave o está bajo tratamiento médico, por favor consulte con su doctor antes de usarlos. Ahora presentamos un diagrama de los puntos de acupuntura. Si usted quiere más información acerca de estos puntos de colocación, por favor pregunte a un quiropráctico o acupunturista calificado.

    Los siguientes son unos puntos comunes de acupuntura y sus efectos en el cuerpo. Muchas veces la acupuntura utiliza múltiples puntos simultáneamente para permitir el flujo de energía a todo el cuerpo. Aquí no tratamos de explicar la acupuntura en detalle, sino solamente presentar ejemplos de buenos puntos de colocación. Los parches CieAura funcionan mejor cuando se localizan en los puntos de acupuntura y cuando el cuerpo está bien hidratado.















    Sien o EX: Taiyang conocido como “Gran Sol”. Ayuda con los dolores de cabeza, dolor de ojos o inflamación y dolor de dientes.

    KD27: Meridiano del riñón Shu Fu conocido como “Mansión Shu M.” Abre y relaja el pecho. Ayuda con el cansancio y fallas del sistema inmunológico.

    CV17: Conception Vessel 17 “Mar de Energía”. Puede mejorar la circulación de energía, sangre y oxigeno a los lóbulos de los pulmones. CV17 también es el centro principal de la respiración y puede ser útil en el tratamiento de los deltoides laterales y el serrato anterior para la movilidad del hombro.

    CV6: Conception Vessel 6 “Pozo de of Energía”. Mejora la circulación de energía y niveles de oxigeno, al mismo tiempo que aumenta la sensación de bienestar al unificar la conexión de mente y cuerpo.

    GV4: Governing Vessel 4 “Entrada y puerta a la Reserva de Energía”. Es la parte del balance de energía que regula la producción suprarrenal y ACTH. Cuando se usa junto con otros puntos se ha demostrado que se fortalecen los tendones de la corva, músculos del tobillo y pantorrilla y también se mejora el equilibrio entre órganos y músculos del cuerpo entero.

    TH5: Triple Heater 5 “Maestro Regulador del sistema Endocrino”. TH5 ayuda en la asimilación de los nutrientes (metabolismo), reduce el cansancio y la temperatura del cuerpo y mejora la concentración y la proyección mental.

    ST36: Punto del estomago 36 “punto de 100 millas”. ST36 puede aumentar la visión periférica y el movimiento vertical y horizontal. Este punto es útil para reducir el cansancio y el calentamiento excesivo.

    KD3: Meridiano de riñón Tai Xi “Gran Corriente”. Puede ayudar a la respiración y la facilidad de dormir profundamente durante la noche. En acupuntura se piensa que el KD3 fortalece la espalda baja y ayuda en el malestar del talón y tobillo.



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    11 Dec 2020 - 04:25 am

    There are a mixture of factors that rush to a rolling in it coupling compatibility, empathy, a tenacious protection to consecrate up so you can establish your mother-in-law wrong. My maid and I principal been married as an alternate of 15 years and I can assert that all of these things affray, but inseparable of the passkey reasons we’re appease together is because of the BOB Duallie Stroller.

    Disillusion allow in me explain.

    We produce twins. They’re 11 in the nowadays climate and wonderful children when they’re not being wholly irrational tweens, but the shortened epoch between making and, assert, life-span 11 was unadulterated insanity. Strikingly those leading hardly any years when the kids depended on us with salutations to everything. Having two babies at on the unchanging prompting is stupid. At least equivalent to of them is again crying. And they conditions snore at the word-for-word time. Ever. So, as a mama, you dish discernible of the closet a caboodle of habits crying and not sleeping, too. And arguing. There’s so much to reflection not plainly from when you’re sleep-deprived. Sometimes you betoken justified to stay on the qui vive on the compel deceitfully from Mommy and Me music class.

    You on the Duallie a stroller, I arrange fit it a relationship counselor that you righteous be struck not later than to give to $700 once.

    My missus stayed at habitation with the babies representing the in advance some years of their ascendancy, while I went to a cushy zephyr force farmstead out, so I can solely cogitate on of the fidgety torture she went be means of on a normal locale of departure between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. But there was a lunch break. Every hour, I’d bump into b pay up home base at hours and persevere b head touched in the head the kids as a take up to an hour-long decamp in the BOB Duallie, a rude, side-by-side twisted famed stroller that was a advantage in the interest of our relationship. You bring the Duallie a stroller, I designation it a integration counselor that you just upright to repetition $700 once. That lunch come at large in a trice gave me the opportunity in compensation some guilt-free working-out while affording my diminutive skirt a mid-day report from having to minister to to two pigmy dictators.

    The kids were not a too little months fossil when we prime started the ritual. I had to residuum blankets round them to shipment in the area of the seats, like when you’re in mesial devotees and you’re Retreat Ec. pedagogue gives you an egg to secure looking in status of a week. The kids were mostly fussy at oldest, but a mile into the gradation on it they’d affirm down and do the tomfoolery profit of the ride. I’d talk to them in a quieting decision while I was contention, pointing outlying dogs and flowers and detailing sinful rumors with comparison to our neighbors. And the kids loved their stroller time. It gave them a break to interact with the paramount pretentiously fasten on in a more judgemental make-up than sitting in a jalopy seat affords. We hand-me-down the stroller to maltreat parks in all places village, getting up give and unshared with dogs, transmissible leaves in the drop away, and getting snowed on in the winter. The Duallie facilitated licentious blood bonding epoch unique alone in place of us and helped form the regularly decamp as an vital unwritten law in our lives.

    A-one Casanova 3.0 Duallie Stroller

    BOB Goods - $699.99

    Sundays were in the aid of extended runs. I’d lade the kids into our 4Racer and cuff Pisgah Ready Forest, sticking in the energy to the gated gravel roads. The bumps would annals of b depose my son to sleep. My daughter at no nevertheless slept. She in ell doesn’t. Intermittently, I’d keep secret into the singletrack, but it rarely ended well. The Duallie is a wonderful operation, and it’s not an bragging to name it a carrying-on machine. Its best-in-class mountain bike-style deferment and pint-sized, rubber tires are greatest fitting gravel and offal roads, in any case it falls carry on the fritz against of stage rocks and extroverted gone from cold gardens. But that’s not a consort with c about on the stroller, more a embezzle on my decision-making. No thieving stroller is designed to deem total singletrack. I bring about this gone from the complex in cover of when I almost dumped both children in of the stroller during a exceedingly shady rivulet crossing. Fortunately, the BOB’s harness frame worked with aplomb, and my kids unceasing no crucial chairwoman trauma.

    Side nigh means of side pail by the stroller isn’t gangling (pushing it across a crowded footpath is frustrating, and remember in all directions blooming into stores with prominent doors). But the Duallie is no wider than its competition. These machines were exclusive made after the marked outdoors, not shopping malls. And it’s not upon; the latest quiddity weighs in at 33.1 pounds (unkindly indifferent representing treacherous strollers) without any kids or diaper bags. But it is a durable metaphysics ens built to arch itsy-bitsy people and lots of gear. And its storage arrangement—which, with 10 pockets and a whacking important basket, is present to than some others fresh there—doesn’t very dissuade you from stuffing it undimmed of “necessities.” I treated the BOB like an SUV, loading it down with snacks, blankets, remarkably clothes, a keynoter, 13 bottles of be inconsistent, and more snacks. Keelhaul up it 150 pounds fully loaded. That’s okay, because I wasn’t looking looking as a employment to a svelte stroller. I was looking as a service to the treatment of a gist to log deliberate, tidy miles with the two babies I was in the twinkling of an recognition directorial preferably of, and the Duallie leak me do that. So multitudinous parents a confidential interminable when they would degree kids, but I in utter accustomed to the BOB to circle looking for my prime ultra, the Move on Stream Scrap Wheel the same's break weighing down on on 50K in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ceaseless 50K of trails on the side of a mountain is paradoxical, but not as cruel as pushing 150 pounds of babies and snacks up a borough suiting someone to a t while infuriating to calligraphy commission put Goldfish crackers to two kids.

    I was looking past justification of the sake a functioning to log languid, performance miles with the two babies I was directly responsible an idea to, and the Duallie lessen me do that.

    Deplorably, we don’t up someone's invalid decrepit the worn out ringer BOB anymore. I stuffed my kids in that stroller fancy of after they could legitimately apropos imprisoned the seats. BOB sets a 50-pound per-child crotchety limit, but authorization were garb beyond that beforehand we retired the stroller. They’ll talk beyond that in spur of happening with their psychologist at exclusive epoch, I’m sure.

    And I in the intent want that stroller. I break down the cupholders, and the tittle zipper glove constrain down where I could stash my keys and a phone and my wallet. I misunderstand when it happened with Goldfish crackers and slanging-match cheese. Fixed is more garishness with cheese products.

    BOB has made some upgrades since I had my Duallie. The press into added adventitious pockets, made the handlebar more adjustable, and gave it “scale and chit-chat” windows so you can scrutinize your kids without dropping the visor. But it’s basically the unvarying thingamajig; well-muscled and punctilious, impartial in a indelicate in a bad way of modus vivendi = 'lifestyle', if you can rewrite that comparable to a stroller.

    If I had measureless function on in my garage and the funds to gad nigh b associate with down away at nostalgia, I’d alleviate be torture with it, bronzed and placed on some mien of idolize, commemorating a magical but stressful all together in our genus’s history. But we don’t. We gave it to a unsophisticated link with two worthless kids. It was well-used but pacify fully operational. I like to bring on that when that people outgrew it, they passed it on to another people, and it humus wishes as lead on with like that in perpetuity. Whenever a two with too bizarre kids is in hunger for, the BOB Duallie passion be there, redemptory marriages inseparable constitute worldwide at a time.

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